New look and feel

Branding , Collaboration


New look and feel
Branding , Collaboration


Webdashboard turned 3 years old in November. To mark this occasion we implemented a new look for Webdashboard. We think most of the user requests are met. We also revisited every popup and screen to make the solution as streamlined as possible.

The buttons
Back in 2017 we decided a button with a full width at the bottom of a popup looked great. Now we changed these buttons to controls that look like buttons.

Figure 1 – Button change on popups

Confirm popups
All confirm popups are now the same. The yes/no buttons aren’t in the theming anymore and are always red and green.

Confirm popup
New buttons on confirm popups

Scollbars and Security

Scrollbars are now always visible. When a scrollbar is needed, you’ll always see it. Next to that, the security screens to add users is made the same everywhere.
– Adding users/groups on Workspace level
– Adding workspaces in the user/group management
– Adding users to groups

Workspace security
New security screens

Widget navigation
The navigation form the widgets ‘Report Visuals’ and ‘Text & Link’ is now moved to the header of the widget.

Report Visual widget
Report Visual widget with new link

Resize navigation bar

There is now an indicator that you can resize and the area where you can resize is made bigger.

Nabigation menu
New resize navigation menu icon

Small navigation bar
When the navigation bar is in simple mode, it’s now possible to navigate to reports below the workspaces.

Navigationbar simple mode
Report navigation in simple mode

Text and dropdown controls
All the text and dropdown controls are reworked. Information about a control, errors and if input is required is now visible in the same way on everything.

New controls
New controls

Search more accessible
Because we made the navigation bar in simple mode more useable. We moved search from the navigation bar to the header. So it’s always accessible.

Top bar
Search now located in top bar