Workspaces improvement


Workspaces improvement


Workspaces are focused on delivering a static message (like a picture or a text), where you can click on and naviagte to a Power BI Report. Like a landing page. A users logs in on the Webdashboard and the first thing that comes up is a clean Workspace with clear inndications where what can be found.

Starting this month of this concept it was only possible to create boxes on the screen with text in them, and add navigation to a report like this.

Picture 3: Old workspace

Now we added the following possibilities, so you can really make it your own.

  • Workspace background can have a color or image
  • Box background can be transparent, have a color or image
  • Textboxes are now rich text fields.

So now the same setup as above can look like this:

Picture 4: New workspaces

Of course we are not stopping here. Our team will continue adding features, so check here for new updates, or try it yourself, it’s free.