Putting Logic in Logistics and On-Time Transport with Webdashboard for Power BI Sharing

Logistics & Transport use-case Power BI sharing with Webdashboard

In today’s logistics & transport landscape, having real-time access to data is crucial for making informed decisions. Logistics companies need to manage vast amounts of information, from fleet operations to supplier communications, and more recently: emission reporting. Reporting with Power BI can help bring to life concepts like 7R, putting data into practice towards improvement. Rarely anymore can a company go without dashboards for things like inventory levels, delivery times, route efficiency etc. The more the sector is automating, the more data-driven it is becoming.  

How much untapped potential is in sharing Power BI reports throughout the supply chain? How much can transport & logistics gain if they could share dashboards directly with not just employees, but also with customers? Webdashboard offers a practical solution for managing, sharing, and branding Power BI reports, even beyond organizational boundaries. Let’s explore how Webdashboard can benefit the sector by addressing specific needs for transport & logistics. 

Managing Power BI Reports with Ease 

Logistics operations involve handling diverse data sets, such as fleet management, inventory levels, delivery schedules, and emission metrics. Managing this data efficiently is key to operational effectiveness.  

Webdashboard provides a centralized platform to organize and access all Power BI reports easily. Users can easily be added and removed, without the need for going through IT to ask permission or request them to create a new (guest) account. All that’s needed is an e-mail address and ensuring there are enough licenses in your pool. Using ‘Workspaces’ & ‘Groups’, and if you’re able to RLS, you can easily divide reports, dashboards and users to ensure the right people see the right insigts. You can even delegate access management to a ‘Workspace User Admin’, who can add users to see their specific group of reports.  

Reports can be temporarily closed if they need to be editted. On the flipside, they can also be refreshed on-demand or via set schedules, allowing for real-time updates. 

Sharing Power BI Reports Beyond Boundaries 

Logistics & transport companies often need to share data with external partners, such as suppliers, carriers, and clients. Webdashboard facilitates secure and efficient sharing of Power BI reports beyond internal boundaries. And of course beyond country boundaries. For example, a logistics company can share real-time inventory reports with suppliers, enabling them to adjust production schedules and effectively meet demand. Sharing emission reports with regulatory bodies ensures compliance and transparency.  

If everyone is looking at the same report, you’ll be sure that everyone is aligned, no matter where they are. With the Webdashboard App, everyone can access their reports wherever and on-the-go. Combine it with Slideshow-functionality which allows continuous broadcasting of dashboards. Everyone is looking at that one-truth in your data: it doesn’t matter whether they’re presenting in a board meeting, working on the shopfloor, or are on the road (or in the air or even on the water or train tracks).  

Branding your Environment for a Professional Edge 

Presenting data professionally is important for building trust and reliability. Just like delivery of your packages, you know the experience matters. So the delivery of you data is more than just sticking a logo on your report. With Webdashboard you can customize basically anything. Company colors and custom fonts everywhere. Widgets to embed external content like a video or newsfeed. Even full whitelabeling with a custom URL and favicon. Give the people you share with access to a portal they immediately recognize as yours. Don’t underestimate how much this can make a difference when it comes to trust in the data you’re visualizing. Your reporting environment can become your business card.   

Examples of Webdashboard in Logistics & Transport

A few concrete examples of how Logistics & Transport Companies are using Webdashboard:  

  • One of UK’s largest train companies is using Webdashboard to share insights that enable them to transport millions of passengers a day. 
  • Over in Belgium Terminals at a major harbour use Webdashboard to give their clients near real-time data day & night. 
  • A scale-up in South Africa is helping their clients collecting data and transforming them into user-friendly reports so with just one click they can forecast how much they should produce.  

What about your use-case?

Do you see a use-case to share beyond the borders of your internal organization? Get started with Webdashboard. Try it 30-days for free, or book a demo.